Styles - how to do 'yogaphysio'

There are endless styles of yoga. The more traditional of these styles are classified by their lineage, and perhaps revere a certain teacher that tradition for sharing their knowledge. A number of yoga styles have evolved from Krishnamacharya. Krishnamacharya taught BKS Iyengar, Deshikachar, and Patabhi Jois. Each of these great teachers have had a extensive influence on yoga in the west. Other well established schools are that of Satyananda and related to philosophy that of Vivekananda.

More modern styles have become established as influenced by more contemporary teachers and teachings. Many of these teachers brand their style and maybe in the next century their concepts may be revered like a lineage, as the teachers before them. Some modern schools focus primarily on asana practice, while other lean more to meditation, philosophical study and self enquiry.

The style of yogaphysio is a bit of a blend. Our teachers are trained to select postures according to the needs of the student rather than teach restricted to a lineage. Flowing practices are used to increase range of movement; sustained postures are taught when strength is required. There is an emphasis on correct alignment and as alignment is mastered, postures are sequenced together in enjoyable flows. Some of our teachers are trained in Iyengar yoga, which has one of the strictest training standard of all schools.

We also use yoga 'props'; look at some of the youtubes below to see how to use them.



Suptabaddhakonasana - brick

This practice is very helpful for anyone who sits at a computer all day or if you just feel a bit 'slumped' physically or emotionally.

One brick is between the shoulder blades (not too low) and the other is under the head.

Make sure you have enough height under the head, so the neck is comfortable - you can even put a blanket/cushion on top of the brick. If the bricks feel a little sharp to begin with, you can put a blanket over the whole set up, so it's more comfortable.

There should be no pain in the neck or back. You can rest there for up to 5mins.


This bolster version of Suptabaddhakonasana is more gentle opening then the brick version.

There should be no pain in the neck or back.

You can rest there for up to 10mins.

Forearm dog

Forearm dog is a harder version of down face dog, suitable for more experienced students with no shoulder or neck injuries. It gives a much stronger opening of the shoulders and really works the back of the arms - triceps. It is important to keep the shoulders broad and the neck relaxed. It's the best preparation for inversions like Sirsasana (headstand) and Pincamayurasana (forearm balance)

Ardhamukhasvanasana - down dog

Here is a restorative version of down face dog.

Enjoy the head support, particular nice when the mind needs a rest with a practice at the end of a working day.

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