Teaching multi-level classes & Catering for Ailments
Online course for yoga teachers Future dates tba $240
Most yoga students will come to a class at a time slot that best suits them. For the teacher this may be tricky - do you challenge your stronger students, but risk that the less strong won't keep up and are at risk of injury or do you cater to the lowest level of fitness but risk having the stronger students move on?
Perhaps you provide good options but still find the students aren't doing what keeps them safe and brings them maximal benefit.
The facilitator of this online training Tam, has 20 years experience of teaching classes and providing therapy to a broad range of student ability. She has taught at festivals to 100 people and managed small classes of 5 or 6 where every student needs something different. She is very comfortable with managing the needs of a multi-level group and in this training she's shares this knowledge.
This online course will be a mix of practice and theory discussion with homework between sessions. Topics covered will include:
- Assessment of students in class - refining your observation to determine where limitation happens
- Class Planning - we will review class planning from the point of view of integrating modifications and options, including methodologies of language and instruction.
- Degrees of difficulty - we will explore easier and harder options, in order to provide appropriate options for students, but also to allow effective and safe pathways of progression.
- Modification - we will explore integration of modifications to address common issues in poses
- Specific Therapeutics - we will introduce some easy alternative practices for specific ailments. This content will be developed more thoroughly in the Yoga Therapeutics Course Series.
In between sessions you will be encouraged to integrate what you learn into your classes and complete reflective homework tasks for feedback in next session. Course content will be covered in 5 weeks and an informal facebook mentoring group (with live meetings) will support you to explore what you have learnt. From this we will build a nice little community of teachers integrating yoga therapy into their classes.
If the below times don't suit, course content will available in Febuary for a learn at your own pace option. Follow up in mentor sessions still offered.
Sunday's 7.00-9.00pm AEST (6.00 - 8.00 Qld)

Payment details:
First participation in Course: $240 - Enquire for discount with re-attendance
Regsiter now Email Tam: infoplease@yogaphysio.com.au
Tamara L James BSB 484 799; Ac No. 502082411 (Ref: LASTNAME)