Awareness and awareness

This is what it is for that impersonal awareness to be expressed through our personal self, dressed up in the stories of our life experience and history. We may not recognise this divine Self, but these are your opportunities to be Self responsible and step up. This moment of consciousness is where transformation happens.

This weekend, I was reminded of an insight that I've had before... that when we complain about being aware of something we are touching the greater Impersonal Awareness...This is what it is for that impersonal awareness to be expressed through our personal self, dressed up in the stories of our life experience and history. We may not recognise this divine Self, but  these are your opportunities to be Self responsible and step up. This moment of consciousness is where transformation happens.

When we relax into this awareness we rest in the perfection of Being. This is the place to connect with (not the Egoic Mind) to fulfil our life roles as best we are able. Our roles are being children, parents, employers, employees, lovers, partners, friends etc.. When we personalise and identify with these roles, we feel more responsible than we need to be, we get involved in 'other people's business' and try and control people and outcomes. Self responsibility means we stay committed to our own process, minimising the filters through which we act, so that we can respond optimally in our relationships with others.

The need to stay centred in our heart space is more important than ever, with the constant manipulation of our minds with media that attempts to distract us from our deeper self by bombarding us with fake and sensationalised news and to trigger a rabbit hole of opinions about other people's business, when we have no qualification to have such opinions. This creates endless division in communities, rather than the kind and loving connect we have when we rest in our centre. And to clarify this means staying aligned as allies to minority groups, that media would otherwise have us cast out.

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