Yogaphysio - offers yoga for everyone - for Fitness, Therapy and Fun.

With more than 30 years experience with yoga and physiotherapy YogaPhysio is a leader in combining traditional yoga and western medicine based physiotherapy. Our classes differ from usual yoga classes in that the yoga practices taught are chosen to bring balance where the body needs it.

"You won't be doing the postures that you find easy, you will be challenged by the ones you need."

In the longer term you will be able to do the many of the stronger classical yoga poses with confidence and ease. You will avoid the injuries that happen when the body lacks a balanced foundation. Our goal is that all our students are empowered with the 'know-how' to optimize their physical and mental health with yoga. This means being guided towards a balanced body with the fullest movement and strength and stabilitiy to support that movement AND a steady mind capable of enqiry in times of challenge.

We run regular online classes that cater to the individual with small class sizes. We also still teach 'In Person' - extended length classes (Intensives), workshops and retreats in SE Qld and Northern NSW.

If you have an injury or ailment, Tam offers private yoga/physio sessions in Byron Bay, Brisbane and Online. Subscribe to our mailing list to receive our occassional newsletter and be advised about online and In Person events. Check out our blog, jammed packed with great info. And there are lots of free yoga practice video's on our  youtube channel.

online yoga class timetable


Yoga Holiday in Spain 20 - 27 Sept 2025

Explore Moorish Spain south of Madrid  - Almeria & Granada

more details


Yoga Puglia, Italy 13 - 20 June 2026

Book early to secure a spot on our third return to this luxurious venue

more Details

 Silent Meditation and Yoga Retreat - Springbrook, QLD

In the beauty of the Gold Coast hinterland,
nourish your mind, body and spirit.
26 - 29 Sept rego now

details of next one


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